dan rasa nk gangtung diri kat pokok togeh rasanya...:)
nak taw nape??
adek kita nak g merisik awek die okey,,huh!!!
tym raya ni lagi,,untunglah...
n mama kiter pon setuju okey..
aku sebagai kakak sulung sgt tercabar okey..:(
then,,aku tny la kat mama nape adek leh risik2 bagai tp aku xboleh??
then mama ckp sbb aku BELAJAR lagi,,
aimakkk,,klu aku taw,,baik aku keje jer,,
kalau aku keje,,mesti aku dah kawen skng n ade anak 3,4..hahaha
jauh x angan2??hahahaha
kalau betol la adek aku ni langkah aku dulu,,
aku mmg nk mintak barang kemas..
peduli ape aku kannnnn..
ape2 pon hope semuanya berjalan seperti yg dirancang.. :)
really...apy for syukri too...semoga sumenyer bjln lncar ;)
ReplyDeletebdway jgn la sedih sngt kikin... nnti kawen gk kn dear hehe...
p/s :- miss u dear hehe
hahahhaha..xdeklah nak sedeh sgt pon kakak santek,,i cool jer,,aku an akak,,so,,aku kene bg laluan akt adek2,,hahahha,,btw kakak..adekmu sedang bersedeh,,sgt2 sedeh.. :'(
ReplyDeletewhy...dear...dun wuri xde mslh yg xleh selsai...sume ader jln pnyelesaiannya..cma org gile je xde mslh..
ReplyDeleteda k xmo sedey2...lau de pape just text me...im always b ur side dear...4ever n ever ;)
thanks kakak syg becoz u always with me when i need u..althougt i know u didn't satisfied with my decision to continue my relation wiff si poyo,,what can i do kakak syg..he really need me,,and u also know i can't leave him because i also love him.. :(
ReplyDeletep/s:hebat x i speaking??hahahha
yup mmg i disagree when u told me that u give him a change...but its ok la dear as long as ur apy.. n that we call the power of love rite..u cant forget all the memories rite... ;)
ReplyDeleteits ok...myb in case pais is ur soulmates no wonder rite..insyAllah...just doa n pray 2 Allah okies...
hehe...ada ciri2 band6 da tu hehe (^_^)v
the power of love taw,,ur word so bombastic okey.. :)
ReplyDeletei hope by giving him second chance,,he will change..i always doa that one day he will change his attitude..insyaallah..pray for our happiness k.. :)
i also know,,u also can't 4get poyang rite??it okey sis..u believe qada' n qadar rite?insyaallah,,if poyang is ur soulmate,,even though he run untill china or india,,if ALLAH say he your soulmate,,so,,he will come to u.. :)i always pray for ur happiness okey.. :)
insyAllah dear..mnatau c pais u nyer jodoh kn..bdoa bbnyk okies ;)
ReplyDeletepoyang ?? im leave it with my past..no more stories..it cant be future la dear..im moving forward..so do him.. :) thanks 4 praying 4 my happiness too..
cyg awk bnyk2....lots love frm me...
hahaha..insyaallah sis,,u dont worry maaa..there are a lot of man in the world,,u have many opportunity maaa..u can choose whether u want mr.army or mr.teacher/ustaz or mr.pilot an so on la..
ReplyDeleteinsyaallah,,if my jodoh not longer wiff si pais,,i follow u to find mr.army okey,,hihi :)