alhamdulillah,,thank to ALLAH becoz finally ADRUL SAFAIS get a new job..although it is not a good job from his previous job,,but it's okey la,as long as he WORK,,
actually i'm very stress if he didn't find a new job,,it is becoz,,when i go back at home,,my mom always ask me whether fais didn't find a new job or not...my mom always "membebel" to me..she said she doesn't like when si fais "menanggur"...aiyooo,,very stresss maaa..
i xdekla want to backup s fais..but my mother should understand that nowadays it not easy to find a job..aiyoo mama..lagipon..fais bukan not try to find the job,,he dah try,,but mayb at that tym,,rezeki not berpihak to him la mama..but now,,u see,,finaly he get a job..so..now my mom not membebel at me lagi,,hahaha..thanks god :)
actually my mama ngan his mak share a same habit which is suka membebel..hahahaha..yela..rasanya semua mak2 kat dunia ni same jer..hahaha.but i know,,mama and mak membebel to us becoz they want see us be a good person an,,so what ever it is,,we must listen and accept what they have membebel..hahahaa
ape2 pon,,for my beloved BF,,puihhhh..u work harder k,,u must kumpul money ma,,u have to buy a car,,kumpul asset and the most important u must kumpul money to married ma,,,aiyyyooo..i very worried if u can't kumpul money before i finish my study...aiyoo,,my mom says if u don't do like she want,,she will kahwinkan i withother person,adoiii,,OMG..takotnyerrr.. :(
**esok nak exam MUET,,tuk yg poyo speaking tu,,kononnya nk practice la..hahhahaa,,wish me luck k :)
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