ha,,nmpak x ape tuh???hihih
just nak gtaw,,tul kesekian kalinya,,
first tym seumur sepanjang aku blaja add math,,
aku dpt FULL MARK okey..
aku ulang lg skali...
cayalah ckin!!!!
pasni,,tuk soklan final..
aku mmg kne score topic ni la!!!!
tahniah tuk diri sendiri..^__^
p/s: mcm mn nak score subjek statistik ni,,adehhh..#RisoGiler
ok ni komen darisi hensem...he3..
ReplyDeletemmgg la full mark..soalan dah bocor seminggu dah...no wonder la everybody got the same..he3..
by the way, congrat unnie..pray for me get the same mark as yours..i'll seat for the paper next week..
haahhaa,,ni unnie balas komen..
ReplyDeleteunnie gembira unnie dpt full mark coz tym dr. ajar topic ni,,unnie xdtg klas,,cz ade spupu unnie meninggal..so,,unnie mmg xpaham langsung bab ni,.unnie mmg riso giler,,pagi nk exam baru unnie blaja ngan wirdatey,,smpai ponteng klas,,cz nk blaja topic ni,,so,,bile unnie dpt full mark,,unnie rasa berbaloi la ape yg unnie wat dr pg tuh smpai tym test,,huhuhuh..
owh,,syuk belum amik lagi yek??ha,,gud luck k,,may ALLAH bless u,,10 mark dlm tangan..=)